The Dissertation module forms a capstone experience for the MSc course. Drawing on previous knowledge and experience, the Dissertation module allows students to study an area of interest, within their chosen field, in significant depth. In undertaking the Dissertation students will develop not only a deeper understanding of their subject area, but will also be able to demonstrate a high level of autonomy in terms of dissertation planning and management. They will be able to demonstrate knowledge and competence in reviewing existing published literature and data and, through their own efforts, apply one or more of a range of research methods to collect and analyse data and draw well-founded conclusions as a result of their research. All students are encouraged to propose an issue (problem) from their working environment and the main output is a final report. All students are obliged to prepare their work as an article, suitable for submission to a relevant conference or journal.
The intense course structure provides students with the opportunity to identify an industry-based (or research-focused) project area, create a feasible hypothesis, find worthwhile solutions, analyze the results, and propose recommendations. The module enables the student to acquire and evaluate new knowledge and apply individual judgement to solve new and often complex engineering problems using cutting-edge technology. It also enables him/her to demonstrate high levels of responsibility, organisational skills and effective communication with others, including the supervisor, the wider research community and other stakeholders. The course also encourages students to recognize, question and address the ethical dilemmas that are likely to arise in professional engineering practice and research.